Sunday 1 June 2008

Man - A Subject of Holiness

Been thinking a lot about JPII lately and especially around my own faith and what it means to be Holy. Here is a little snippet of John Paul II's theology of the body, which speaks beautifully of the Sacrament of the World and the Sacrament of Man, which are both 'institued' for holiness. You can find the rest of the text Here.

Against this vast background, we further understand that the words of Genesis 2:25, "They were both naked, and were not ashamed," through the whole depth of their anthropological meaning, express the fact that, together with man, holiness entered the visible world, created for him. The sacrament of the world, and the sacrament of man in the world, comes from the divine source of holiness, and at the same time is instituted for holiness. Connected with the experience of the nuptial meaning of the body, original innocence is the same holiness that enables man to express himself deeply with his own body. That happens precisely by means of the sincere gift of himself. In this case, awareness of the gift conditions "the sacrament of the body." In his body as male or female, man feels he is a subject of holiness.

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